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Iván Rijos: “Some People Can Play a Single Note With Such a Tremendous Value That It Reaches the Deepest Part of You”


This interview with renowned musician Iván Rijos provides a captivating glimpse into the transformative journey of classical guitar teaching. Rijos reflects on the remarkable evolution of the instrument, from an era where guitarists faced a limited spotlight to today’s global recognition of countless virtuosos. However, amid the surge in technical proficiency, Rijos expresses concerns about the challenges facing modern guitarists, emphasizing the need to offer more than mere technical prowess.

The maestro delves into the intricacies of musical appreciation, drawing parallels between the rituals of vinyl records and the contemporary desire for rapid consumption. He advocates for a deeper connection with the instrument, urging aspiring guitarists to explore the profound nuances that can captivate audiences. Rijos poignantly highlights the importance of reaching the core of each listener, resonating with a metaphorical interpretation of the classical guitar as a miraculous source of sustenance.

While acknowledging the impressive advancements in guitar technique and instrument construction, Rijos staunchly defends the unique qualities of gut strings, emphasizing their organic and substantive qualities. His advocacy extends beyond technicalities, conveying a deeper message about the genuine and authentic connection that gut strings can establish with both the performer and the audience.

In addressing aspiring guitarists, Rijos encourages a holistic approach to playing, stressing the significance of perceiving and cherishing every detail of the musical experience. He shares personal insights into his own quest for the profound sounds within his guitar and the desire to share these enriching experiences with intimate audiences. Rijos articulates a compelling vision of musical fulfillment, emphasizing the transformative power of small, acoustically rich venues where the audience can savor the musical message in its entirety.

In essence, this interview with Maestro Iván Rijos transcends the technicalities of guitar playing, offering a poignant reflection on the evolving landscape of classical guitar education and the enduring quest for a deeper, more meaningful connection between the musician, the instrument, and the audience.

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ISSN: 2792-8349

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International Journal of Music